Picture of painpeko

Pipi Usagi Discord and Pipi Cloud are Taken Down.

Where’s the New Discord Server?

I will create a new one, for now you can join the Oppai Asia Discord Server.

Most likely, I’m just gonna turn that one, into the new Pipi Usagi Discord Server
and just merged everything into one.

Last time this happened was 2 years ago, and I’ve been trying to be more careful.

I thought I have been careful, but I guess the bar is very low, because this is what came to my discord account notice.

Picture of discord

I think you would agree with me that I didn’t do anything that violates the Discord’s Copyright & IP Policy.

But I guess next time I just need to tighten and clench my buttcheeks even more.

What About Pipi Cloud?

I have been working on a new solution to this. I will announce it when it’s ready

See you in the new server!

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