
Pipi Cloud

Hello frens!

It has been a long time since I made a post here, this place looks like it’s abandoned. Worry not! because I’ve always been working on something behind the scenes. Without wasting our time, let’s just start.

What is Pipi Cloud?

Technically it’s just a reskinned, self hosted, installation of Nextcloud. Think of it like your own dropbox/google drive but you own the server, storage, and can pretty much do anything with it. It has many features available for it in which I will list them down below later.

Why do Pipi Cloud even exist?

If you know what I do and how everything works here, there’s no guarantee that anything I post will stay up forever. There’s many parties wanting to takedown stuff that I share. Those were mostly because we host the files on third party host which could be taken down when there’s request for it. That’s where Pipi Cloud comes in. It will serve as a place where we could access those files that would be otherwise taken down and couldn’t be accessed anymore. You know what I’m talking about *wink wink* asmr videos.

How to get in

As you might guess, I won’t be opening this thing for public. But you can join here. It will take time because I do it at my own pace, please be patient.

What can Pipi Cloud do?

A lot.
You can share your own stuff, and everyone inside could enjoy them together. We can comment together on each of the files to have a discussion around the files. You can use them on your phone, just like if it were your own dropbox/googledrive/mega, whatever any cloud storage.

I’d imagine most people are gonna watch lots of video content with this, and with the mobile app I think it’s perfect.

This sounds great! are there limitations?

Always. There’s always limitation.
The limitations are:

1. Storage space. This is obvious as I have limited space on my server and can’t just possibly dump everything in full quality. My solution is to process and compress the files as much as I can without losing much quality. This way I can save some storage and bandwidth.
2. Bandwidth. This is also important, if I run out of bandwidth then the server won’t be able to deliver the stuff to you. Processing and compressing the files also helps a lot with this problem.

Anyway, I will be monitoring the usage and adjust the amount of user inside the cloud accordingly. Besides, we can always upgrade if we need more.

Some screenshots

A screenshot of Pipi Cloud's login page
A screenshot of Pipi Cloud's dashboard
A screenshot of Pipi Cloud's Files page
A screenshot of Pipi Cloud's commenting on a picture


This is a great workaround for the forbidden files that were taken down to be able to be enjoyed again.
Click here to access Pipi Cloud. If you have any questions please comment down below.


7 thoughts on “Pipi Cloud

    • for now the email server is limited to 100 mails per day, until my account passed their review.

      If you want an account just dm me on discord @pipiusagi and I can create you account quickly

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